Number of subgroups of order $14$ in $\Bbb Z_{70} \times\Bbb Z_{98}$


I have to find the number of subgroups of order $14$ in $\Bbb Z_{70} \times \Bbb Z_{98}$.

I can find the number of elements of order $14$. I can then find the number of cyclic subgroups by dividing the number of elements of order $14$ by $6$.

How can I find the number of non-cyclic groups?

Best Answer

The number of non-cyclic such subgroups is $0$: an abelian group of order $14$ is cyclic (by the structure theorem, CRT or some other simple arguments).

An element $(a,b)$ has order $\rm{lcm}(|a|,|b|)$. So we get the possibilities $(2,7),(7,2),(2,14),(14,2),(7,14),(14,7),(1,14),(14,1)$ and $(14,14)$. Note that in a cyclic group there are $\varphi(2)=1, \varphi(7)=6$ and $\varphi(14)=6$ elements of order $2,7$ and $14$ respectively.

Thus we get $6+6+6+6+36+36+6+6+36=144$. But to finish we need to divide by $\varphi(14)=6$, since there are that many elements of order $14$ in each such subgroup. Thus we get $24$.

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