Number of solutions of The Cauchy Problem $\begin{cases} 2u_x+3u_y=5\\u=1\ \text{on the line} \ 3x-2y=0\end{cases}$

cauchy problemlinear-pde

The Cauchy Problem $$\begin{cases} 2u_x+3u_y=5\\u=1\ \text{on the line} \ 3x-2y=0\end{cases}$$ has
$(a) $exactly one solution
$(b) $ exactly two solutions
$(c) $ infinitely many solutions
$(d)$no solution
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The auxiliary equation is $\frac{dx}2=\frac{dy}3=\frac{du}5$
From the first two fraction we get $3x-2y=c_1$ and from the last two fraction we get $5y-3u=c_2$
So, general solution is $3x-2y=\phi(5x-2u)$
Now, by given condition we have
I'm unable to conclude from here.
Also If instead of doing the last two lines if we put $3x-2y=0$ in $3x-2y=c_1$ then we get $c_1=0$. What to do next?
If there is any alternative approach, please teach me that. Please help me. Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Your Cauchy problem has no solution, indeed

if there were a solution $\;u(x,y)\;,\;$ then $\;f(x)=u\left(x,\dfrac{3x}2\right)=1\;$ for all $\;x\in\mathbb{R}\;.$


$f’(x)=u_x+\dfrac32u_y=0\;$ for all $\;x\in\mathbb{R}\;,\;$ that is

$2u_x+3u_y=0\;$ which is a contradiction.

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