Number of roots of the equation $f(xf(x)) = \sqrt{9 – x^2f^2(x)}$


Given the following graph of a $5$th degree polynomial $y = f(x)$:

Find the number of solutions of the equation: $$f(xf(x)) = \sqrt{9 – x^2f^2(x)}$$

  • My attempt was to figure out what $f(x)$ is, by noticing the roots of its derivative based on the graph to know $f'(x)$, then find $\int f'(x)$, but the function I found did not match the original graph. (Even if I founded, I think it would be very messy to plug it in the equation)

  • One other idea is that let $t = xf(x)$, then the equation become:

$$f(t) = \sqrt{9-t^2}$$

But I can't process from here.

Is my idea correct? If yes, then how do I continue? Or is there a better way to solve this?

Best Answer

According to the given question, you need to find the solutions of $$f(xf(x)) = \sqrt{9 - x^2f^2(x)}$$

Substituting $x(f(x))$ by $t; t\in (-\infty , \infty)$, like you did, we obtain

$$f(t) = \sqrt{9-t^2} \\ \Rightarrow f(x) = \sqrt{9-x^2}$$

ie., We need to find the number of points where the graph of $f(x)$ and $ \sqrt{9-x^2} =g(x) \space \text{(say)}$ intersect.

Analysing $g(x)$, we can say that $$ x^2 + \left(g(x)\right)^2 =9 ; g(x) \geq 0$$ ie., $g(x)$ traces a semicircular region as shown below

upper semicircle of radius 3

Superimposing the graphs of $f(x)$ and $g(x)$ we obtain,

f(x) and g(x) superimposed

(Zoomed in view)

As we can notice four points of intersection, there are four solutions to the given expression $f(t) = \sqrt{9 - t^2}$

Now, the values of $t$ that satisfy are

  • $t$ approximately $-1.5$ or something close to that, which the product $xf(x)$ can give in 2 different ways. First when $x<0$, second when $f(x)<0$.
  • $t = 3$ which can be obtained in 4 ways, once for $x=1, f(x)=3$ then, for $x=3, f(x)=1$ and twice for $x<1$.
  • once more check it for $t$ between $0$ and $1$
  • and lastly for $t$ between $1$ and $2$.

Edit #1: The last two calculations would get messier the more we try to analyse it raw-handedly. Holding on to the suggestion by @windows prime in the comments, we can draw an approximate graph of $t= x f(x) =t_{\small 0}$ having $t_{\small 0}$ as a solution of $t$

These graphs would be rectangular hyperbolas if you observe them clearly with $f(x)$ at $y-axis$.

For both, $t_1$ whose value lies between $0$ and $1$ and $t_2$ whose value lies between $1$ and $2$, the graphs will have 4 intersections each with that of $y= f(x)$.

raw graph

So, we have $2+4+4+4 = 14$ solutions in total.

Edit #2: The intersection of hyperbolic graphs and $f(x)$ would look approximately like the one below: intersection graph

$\color{#Ff3537}{xy \approx -1.5}\\ \color{#4466ff}{xy = 3}\\ \color{#008800}{xy = t_1;\space t_1\in (0,1)}\\ \color{#8800ff}{xy = t_2;\space t_2\in(1,2)}\\$

Here, we have 14 intersections pointing towards 14 distinct solution.