Number of roots of $2013x^{2012}-2012x^{2011}-16x+8=0$ in $[0,8^\frac1{2011}]$


If $P(x)=2013x^{2012}-2012x^{2011}-16x+8$, then $P(x)=0$ for $x\in\left[0,8^{\frac{1}{2011}}\right]$ has

  1. exactly one real root.
  2. no real root.
  3. at least one and at most two real roots.
  4. at least two real roots.

This question has answers here and here.

I have doubts in them. I'll list that below.


Let $Q(x) = x^{2013} – x^{2012} -8x^2 +8x + c $. Note that $Q'(x)=P(x)$. Since $Q(0)=Q(1)=Q(8^\frac{1}{2011})$, we apply Rolle's Theorem to each of the intervals $[0,1]$ and $[1,8^\frac{1}{2011}]$ to conclude that $Q'(x)=P(x)$ has at least a root in each of the intervals $(0,1)$ and $(1,8^\frac{1}{2011})$. Hence $P(x)$ has at least two roots.

Doubt: How do we know $1\in(0,8^\frac1{2011})?$


$$\begin{align}P(x)&=2013x^{2012}-2012x^{2011}-16x+8 \\
P'(x)&=2013\cdot 2012x^{2011}-2012\cdot 2011x^{2010}-16\end{align}$$

$P'(0)$ is negative and $P'\left(8^{\frac{1}{2011}}\right)$ is positive. So $P'(x)$ has at least one real root.$\implies P(x)$ has at least two real roots.

Doubt: How do we know $P'(8^\frac1{2011})\gt0?$


We have $p(0)=8,p(1)=-7$ so there is at least one root in [0,1]. Put $\alpha=8^{1/2011}$. Then $p(\alpha)$ is approx 0. So we may have another root just inside the interval $[0,\alpha]$.

Doubt: How do we know $P(\alpha)$ is close to zero?

As I am typing this, I am realizing all my doubts are just regarding calculating the value at $x=8^\frac1{2011}$. I am not able to convincingly tell its value or sign, without using calculator.

Best Answer

$x=8^{\frac {1}{2011}}$ means that $x^{2011}=8$.

If $x≤1$, then its 2011th power would only be smaller than or equal to 1, so we must have $1<x$.