Number of regions formed by $m$ circles and $n$ straight lines

combinatorial-geometrycombinatoricspattern recognition

Suppose there are $m$ circles and $n$ straight lines in the plane. Find the maximum number of regions formed by them.

I think that the question is self-explanatory, otherwise, I'll explain it clearly.

The following link might be helpful for an idea but I don't think that it's something extremely helpful (I want something rigorous). I think we can use induction but that's only possible if we can draw the circles and lines in a desired pattern. The way in which the circles and lines have been presented in the link isn't exactly how we can think for $m$ circles and $n$ lines.

Best Answer

The general idea is as follows: You start with an original configuration of some elements (an element being a line or a circle) already in the plane, then add a new element (line or circle) to get a new configuration. The existing regions in the original configuration subdivide the new element into certain sections.

The important part is that these sections on the new element determine by how much the number of regions increases. Because each section subdivides a region from the original configurations into 2 regions of the new configuration, the number of regions increases by exactly the amount of sections that the original regions create from the new element.

OTOH, the number of those sections is easily determined by the number of common points the new element has with the elements of the original configuration.

If the new element is a line that has $l$ common points with the original configuration, then the new line will be divided into $l+1$ sections.

If the new element is a circle that has $c$ common points with the original configuration, then the new circle will be divided into $c$ sections if $c > 0$, or 1 section if $c=0$.

Let's call $R(m,n)$ the maximum amount of regions that $m$ circles and $n$ lines can divide the plane into.

We start with $R(0,0)=1$: The whole plane is one region. $R(1,0)=2$, because a single circle has an outer and an inner region.

For $m \ge 2$ we get $R(m,0) \le R(m-1,0) + 2(m-1)$. That's because the $m-1$ existing circles can have at most 2 common points with the new circle each (and $2(m-1) \ge 1$ in case the new circle has no point in common with existing circles).

This leads, per induction, to $R(m,0) \le m(m-1)+2$ for $m \ge 1$, a formula that (with equality) is also in the linked treaty. In order to have 'common' estimation also for $m=0$, let's define $s(m)=1$ for $m=0$ and $s(m)=2$ for $m > 1$. Thus we get $R(m,0) \le m(m-1)+s(m)$ for $m \ge 0$.

Now we do the same thing, increasing the number of lines step by step. If we add a line to an original configuration with $m$ circles and $n-1$ lines, then that new line has at most $2m$ common points with all the $m$ circles and at most $n-1$ common points with the other $n-1$ lines.

Thus we get $R(m,n) \le R(m,n-1) + (2m + n-1) + 1$.

Again, by induction over $n$, this leads to $R(m,n) \le R(m,0) + 2mn + \frac{n(n+1)}{2} = m(m-1) + s(m) + 2mn + \frac{n(n+1)}{2}$.

Now I claim that the inequality is really an equality.

Obviously, any configuration of $m$ circles and $n$ lines can be obtained by starting with the empty plane and first adding circles, one by one and then adding lines, one by one. In each step, if the used bound on $R(m,0)$ and $R(m,n)$, resp., is sharp, depends on exactly 2 things:

A) That the number of common points between the new element and the old elements is really the maximum value (1 for a line intersectiong another line, 2 for a circle intersecting another circle or line), and

B) that those common point are all different.

So in order prove the equality, we need to construct $m$ circles and $n$ lines that fullfill A) and B).

Select a point M in the plane. Choose $m$ different circles with radius equal to 1 in the plane, whose midpoints have distance at most $\frac13$ to M. These circles

1) all intersect in 2 points, and

2) all contain M as an inner point.

1) makes A) true for the circles. It should also be easy to see B) can be fullfilled, as the set from which midpoints can be chosen is a 2-dimensional object (a filled circle), while the condition that a new circle should not go through an existing intersection point excludes only a 1-dimensional set of points.

2) makes sure that :

3) we have a small circle $C$ with some radius $\epsilon >0$ around M that is inside all the circles.

Take any set of $n$ lines in general position (no 2 parallel, no 3 intersecting in 1 point). Apply a centric compression to the lines such that all the intersections are inside a circle of radius $\epsilon$. Now translate the compressed lines such that all the intersections are inside the circle $C$.

This means all the intersections between the lines are different from all the intersections between the circles. In addition, each line contains a point (any of it inisde $C$) that is inside each circle (see 3) above), so each line will intersect with each circle in exactly 2 points.

What needs to be proven to verify condition B) above is that those line vs. circle intersections are all different from the existing circle vs. circle intersections. They might not actually be, but we have one more degree of freedom to exploit: If we rotate the configuration of lines around M, all their intersections stay inside $C$. But only a finite number of rotation angles create invalid configurations where a line vs. circle intersection is equal to an existing circle vs. circle intersections, so one rotation angle can be found where this is not the case and condition B) is fullfilled.

This means we can find a configuration where all the lines and circles intersect in the maximum number of ways in all different points, so in the estimations for $R(m,n)$ we would always get equality in each step.

This concludes the proof that

$$R(m,n) = m(m-1) + s(m) + 2mn + \frac{n(n+1)}{2}$$

where $s(m)=1$ for $m=0$ and $s(m)=2$ for $m \ge 1$.