Number of prime factors of $3^n-1$

elementary-number-theoryprime factorization


Prove or refute: for integer $n\ge 3$, we have
where $\omega(n)$ means number of distinct prime factors of $n$.

I believe the statement is true.

It seems easy to prove when $n$ is a prime, but I am stuck at how to extend my proof to general integers. I tried factorization of $3^n-1$ when $n$ is composite, as is demonstrated here, but cannot proceed further.

Thanks for your help.

Best Answer

If $p$ is an odd prime , the number $3^p-1$ cannot be a power of $2$ (Catalan's conjecture , now proven , but it might be easier to prove this particular claim), hence $3^p-1$ has an odd prime factor.

Moreover, if $p$ and $q$ are distinct odd primes, we have $\gcd(3^p-1,3^q-1)=3^{\gcd(p,q)}-1=2$ , hence if we choose an odd prime factor of $3^p-1$ and an odd prime factor of $3^q-1$, they must be distinct.

Hence for every odd prime factor of $n$, we have an odd prime factor of $3^n-1$ without duplicates. Since $2$ is always a factor of $3^n-1$, we have shown $\omega(3^n-1)\ge \omega(n)$.

To complete the proof, we have to show that $3^{2p}-1$ has two distinct odd prime factors , if $p$ is an odd prime , but this follows from $\gcd(3^p-1,3^p+1)=2$ and the fact that $3^p+1$ can also be no power of $2$.

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