Number of possible $n\times n$ symmetric matrices with each entry either $o$ or unity



number of different $n\times n $ symmetric matrices with each element either 0 or 1 is





my attempt:

first every digonal matrix is symmetric so, answer should not be $2^n$ it should be greater than that . …..i also know if i choose elements of upper triangular matrix then ,since matrix is symmetric ,elements of lower triangular matrix is automatically fixed …but i don't know how to do it using permuatations ….answer should be between $ b$ and $c $ . please help

Best Answer

As you say, there are $n$ elements along the diagonal. Each of them can be anything. That leaves $n^2-n$ elements, which occur in pairs symmetric across the diagonal. The entries of each pair must agree, but different pairs can have different values. There are $\frac 12(n^2-n)$ pairs. That gives $n+\frac 12(n^2-n)=\frac 12n(n+1)$ free elements in an $n \times n$ symmetric matrix.