Number of possible integers less than 100000 such that the digits 4,5,6 appear in that order


I have been stuck on this problem for some time and I am not sure how to approach it:
"How many positive integers less than 100,000 have digits containing 4,5,6 in that particular order?" (by this it means that the digits "456" must appear one after another in the number)

I am thinking that I would multiply 10X10X3X2X1 since the two of the five digit spaces can hold any digit between 0-9 and the other 3 must have 456 however I do not think this considers the order of the digits or the fact that the smallest possible integer would be 456. (if that makes any sense)

How would I modify this so that the order of the numbers matter?
What would the answer be to this?

thanks in advance!

Best Answer

There are a total of $5$ digits

The $3$ digit block $4,5,6$ can be placed in $3$ positions. ($1,2,3$ and $2,3,4$ and $3,4,5$)


So there are a total of $300$ numbers in which the digits $4,5,6$ appear in this order consecutively

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