Number of ordered pairs of $A,B$ in Probability


Let $|X|$ denote the number of elements in a set $X,$

Let $S = \{1,2,3,4,5,6\}$ be a sample space,

where each element is equally likely to occur.

If $A$ and $B$ are independent events associated with

Then the number of ordered pairs $(A,B)$

such that $1 \leq |B| < |A|,$ equals

what i try

Let number of elements in $A,B,A \cap B$ is $x,y,z$ respectively

conditions given as $1\leq y\leq x.$

For $2$ Independent events $A,B$

is $\displaystyle P(A \cap B)=P(A)\cdot P(B)\Rightarrow \frac{z}{6}=\frac{x}{6}\cdot \frac{y}{6}\Rightarrow z=xy/6$

Best Answer

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Given condition is |A|>|B| , A and B are independent events which gives total number of ordered pairs (A,B) = 422

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