Number of elements of order coprime to $p$ in a finite group


Let $G$ be a finite group. It is easy to prove that the elements of $G$ with odd order are in odd number. Indeed, if, for every divisor $d$ of the order of $G$, $r_{d}$ denotes the number of elements of $G$ with order $d$, then the number of elements of $G$ with odd order is $1 + \sum_{d} r_{d}$, where $d$ ranges over the odd divisors of $\vert G \vert$ such that $d \geq 3$; but $r_{d}$ is divisible by $\varphi (d)$ (Euler function) and, for a naturel number $n \geq 3$, $\varphi (n)$ is even, thus it is well true that the elements of $G$ with odd order are in odd number.

So, my question is : let $G$ be a finite group and $p$ a prime number; is it known if it is necessarily true that the elements of $G$ with order coprime to $p$ are in number coprime to $p$ ?

I found some lemmas and, if I am not wrong, these lemmas make it possible to prove that the answer is "yes" for every group of order $\leq 431$. Since my proof of this meager result is very long, I will only sketch it if I don't get a better answer.

Edit (August 8, 2021). I discover that this question is Exercise 28 b) in Bourbaki, Algèbre, ch. I (Paris, 1970), § 6, p. I.139.

Best Answer

Let $\Omega_p(G)$ denote the set of elements of $G$ of order coprime to $p$, and pick a $p$-Sylow subgroup $P$. We may let $P$ act on $\Omega_p(G)$ by conjugation, in which case the orbits’ sizes are powers of $p$.

The only orbits of size not divisible by $p$ then are the fixed points, which are precisely the elements of


so we have a congruence

$$ |\Omega_p(G)|\equiv |\Omega_p(C_G(P))| \pmod p $$

Either $C_G(P)$ is strictly smaller than $G$ or $P$ is central. Thus, we may apply induction, with our base cases those groups $G$ with central $p$-Sylow subgroup $P\le Z(G)$. Then we can prove

Lemma. If $G$ has a central $p$-Sylow subgroup $P$ then $\Omega_p(G)$ is a transversal for $G/P$.

Proof. First we show no two elements $x,y\in\Omega_p(G)$ represent the same coset. If $xP=yP$ then $y=xu$ for some $u\in P$. Taking orders of both sides yields $|y|=|xu|=|x||u|$ since $x,u$ commute and have coprime orders. Since $p\nmid|y|$ and $|u|$ is a power of $p$, this forces $|u|=1$, hence $u=e$, hence $x=y$ are the same representative.

cont’d. Second we show every $g\in G$ is in $\Omega_p(G)P$. By Chinese Remainder Theorem for cyclic groups we can write an internal direct product $\langle g\rangle=\langle g^\alpha\rangle\times\langle g^\beta\rangle$ with $g^\alpha\in\Omega_p(G)$ and $g^\beta\in P$. Then we should also be able to write $g=(g^\alpha)^\delta(g^\beta)^\gamma\in\Omega_p(G)P$.

The lemma implies, in our base cases where there is a central Sylow subgroup, that $|\Omega_p(G)|=[G:P]$ is coprime to $p$.