Number of different fault-free $2 \times 1$ domino tilings on a $5 \times 6$ rectangle


Fifteen $2 \times 1$ dominoes can be used to tile a $5 \times 6$ rectangle. In tiling the rectangle we might generate what are known as fault-lines. A fault-line is any horizontal or vertical line that divides a tiling, without cutting through any of the domino pieces, so as to form a tiling consisting of two sub-rectangular tilings. A fault-free tiling is thus one that has no such fault-lines.

One example of a fault-free $2 \times 1$ domino tiling on a $5 \times 6$ rectangle is shown below. shown below

My question is:

How many different fault-free $2 \times 1$ domino tilings of a $5 \times 6$ rectangle are possible? Here rotations and reflections are not considered to be different.

So far I have managed to find 2 (Edit: not 3 as I initially thought) different fault-free tilings using trial-and-error but honestly have no idea how one ought to proceed in general.

Best Answer

I enumerated all $1183$ tilings (not considering symmetry, and not necessarily fault-free). Of those only $6$ were fault-free, and these are in two symmetry classes.

enter image description here

enter image description here

What's your third one?