Number of convex polyhedra whose faces are regular polygons and whose largest face is an $n$-gon


I'm trying to count up the number of convex polyhedra whose faces are regular polygons and whose largest face is an $n$-gon. (I.e. either a uniform polyhedron or a Johnson solid.) If I've done my counting correct, this does not appear in the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, and I'd like to add it.

Are my lists complete and correct?

For $n = 3$, I've counted $8$:

$J_{17}$, $J_{51}$,

For $n=4$, I've counted $30$:

snub cube,
triangular prism,
square antiprism,

For $n = 5$, I've counted $37$:

snub dodecahedron,
pentagonal prism,
pentagonal antiprism,

For $n = 6$, I've counted $14$:

Truncated tetrahedron,
truncated octahedron,
truncated icosahedron,
hexagonal prism,
hexagonal antiprism,

For $n = 7$, I've counted $2$:

Heptagonal prism,
heptagonal antiprism.

For $n = 8$, I've counted $9$:

Truncated cube,
truncated cuboctahedron,
octagonal prism,
octagonal antiprism,

For $n = 9$, I've counted $2$:

Enneagonal prism,
enneagonal antiprism.

For $n = 10$, I've counted $22$:

Truncated dodecahedron,
truncated icosidodecahedron,
decagonal prism,
decagonal antiprism,

For $n > 10$, I've counted $2$:

$n$-gonal prism, $n$-gonal antiprism.

Best Answer

It turns out your list is complete. Having recognized the five Platonic and 13 Archimedean solids by the names you list, I turn to the Johnson solids, which are defined as all other strictly convex (dihedral angles all <180°) polyhedra consisting of regular faces besides prisms and antiprisms. Norman Johnson identified 92 solids, all of which are in your list, in 1966; the numbering we use today is from his identification. That the 92 solids so identified is the complete list of Johnson solids was proved by Victor Zalgaller in 1969.

I also checked your count of the Johnson solids for each individual value of $n$ in your lists. These too are correct.

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