Notation for reverse sequence


Given a finite sequence with $n$ elements, is there a standard notation for the reverse of this sequence? For example,

Let $A = (a_{1}, a_{2}, … , a_{n}).$ Then $rev(A) :=
(a_{n}, …, a_{2}, a_{1}).$

Is this acceptable or is there a different, clearer notation? I had previously been using pythonic list notation, but I think writing this in terms of sequences would likely be better. For reference, I had been writing,

$D = [a_{1}, a_{2}, …, a_{n}]$ and $D.reverse() = [a_{n}, …, a_{2}, a_{1}].$

Best Answer

You can define the sequence $B=\{b_i\}_{i=1}^n$, where $b_i=a_{(n+1)-i}$.

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