Normal distribution sample

gaussian-integralnormal distributionprobability distributionsstatistics

Since I'am beginner in statistics I'm stuck in simple exercise so will appreciate any help. I have mean, standard deviation and probability p(x) and need to get x. Here is the Exercise

The patient recovery time from a particular surgical procedure is
normally distributed with a mean of 5.3 days and a standard deviation
of 2.1 days

The 90th percentile for recovery times is?

I know that it's possible to get x from probability formula but I was wondering if there is easier way to get it.

Best Answer

Look up a table for standard normal distribution. The random variable $X$ is distributed normally. Let $Z = \frac{X-\mu}{\sigma}$ be the standardisation. Then we're interested in $$ \mathbb P\left (Z\leq \frac{t_0-\mu}{\sigma}\right ) = 0.9 $$ The table can be used to find the closest desirable value and one can then solve for $t_0$.

Also, verify quickly what happens when percentile increases or decreases. Or how affecting mean/st deviation changes result.

Here is a flexible table and graph for standard normal distribution to try

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