Normal closure in Baumslag-Solitar group


Let $G:=BS(m,n)= \langle a,t \mid ta^mt^{-1}=a^n\rangle$ be a Baumslag-Solitar group (here $m,n\in \Bbb Z\setminus\{\pm 1\})$.

I was trying to determine the normal closure of the element $a\in G$; here, by normal closure I mean $\langle a\rangle^G:=\langle\{gag^{-1}\mid g\in G\}\rangle$.

At first I thought that $\langle a\rangle^G\cong F_\infty$ as the set $\{t^{r}at^{-r}\mid r\in \Bbb Z\}$ is contained in $\langle a\rangle^G$.

But this set is not a free generating set since $a^n=(tat^{-1})^m$.

So I want to know, what is the subgroup $\langle a\rangle^G$ precisely?

Thank you so much in advance!

Best Answer

"determine the normal closure" is not very clear. It seems you want to identify the isomorphism type of the normal closure.

Namely, this kernel $\mathrm{BS}_0(m,n)$ is an infinitely iterated amalgam $$\cdots\ast_\mathbf{Z}\mathbf{Z}\ast_\mathbf{Z}\mathbf{Z}\ast_\mathbf{Z}\mathbf{Z}\ast_\mathbf{Z}\cdots$$ where each left embedding is $k\mapsto nk$ and each right embedding is $k\mapsto mk$. This is a general fact about HNN extensions (description of the isomorphism type of the kernel of the canonical homomorphism from a given HNN-extension onto $\mathbf{Z}$), which can be found in Serre's book. In particular, this kernel $\mathrm{BS}_0(m,n)$ is not free as soon as $\max(|m|,|n|)\ge 2$. Indeed,

  • if $\min(|m|,|n|)=1$ (say $m=\pm 1$ and $|n|\ge 2$), this kernel $\mathrm{BS}_0(\pm 1,n)$ is isomorphic to the infinitely generated abelian group $\mathbf{Z}[1/n]$;
  • if $\min(|m|,|n|)\ge 2$, this kernel $\mathrm{BS}_0(m,n)$ contains a copy of $\mathbf{Z}^2$ (inside the amalgam $\mathbf{Z}\ast_\mathbf{Z}\mathbf{Z}=\langle a,b\mid a^m=b^n\rangle$, namely $\langle a^m,ab\rangle\simeq\mathbf{Z}^2$), hence is not free.
  • (If $|m|=|n|=1$ this kernel $\mathrm{BS}_0(m,n)$ is infinite cyclic.)

On the other hand, the kernel $\mathrm{BS}_{00}(m,n)$ of the canonical homomorphism onto $\mathbf{Z}[m/n,n/m]\rtimes_{m/n}\mathbf{Z}$ is free, since it acts freely on the Bass-Serre tree.

Note: $\mathrm{BS}_0(m,n)$ is locally residually finite. Also $\mathrm{BS}_0(m,n)$ is not residually finite if $|m|,|n|$ are coprime and $\ge 2$: this is due to R. Campbell (1990 Proc AMS). I don't know if it's also non-residually-finite whenever $2\le |m|<|n|$, for instance, $(m,n)=(2,4)$.

Edit: the free subgroup $\mathrm{BS}_{00}(m,n)$ is infinitely generated as soon as $2\le |m|<|n|$. Since $2\le \min(|m|,|n|)$, it is not trivial, hence contains a loxodromic element for the action on the Bass-Serre tree. Hence it has a unique minimal nonempty subtree (the convex hull of the union of axes of loxodromic elements) for the action on the Bass-Serre tree $T$ of the HNN extension defining $\mathrm{BS}(m,n)$; hence this subtree is invariant under the whole group, and hence by vertex-transitivity, this is the whole tree.

The tree $T$ naturally carries a Busemann-function (defined up to addition with an integral constant), so that every vertex $v$ has $n+m$ adjacent vertices: $m$ vertices $w$ with $b(w)=b(v)-1$ and $n$ vertices $w$ with $b(w)=b(v)+1$. Let $G$ is the group of automorphisms of $T$ preserving $b+\mathbf{Z}$, so the locally compact group $G$ acts cocompactly on $T$ and $\mathrm{BS}(m,n)$ acts through $G$.

Now assume by contradiction that $\mathrm{BS}_{00}(m,n)$ is finitely generated: then since it acts freely and minimally on the tree $T$, the action is cocompact. Hence $\mathrm{BS}_{00}(m,n)$ is a cocompact lattice in $G$. But $G$ is not unimodular, by an easy argument (using $|m|\neq |n|$). This is a contradiction.

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