Norm of Riemannian curvature tensor on an Einstein manifold under the RIcci flow


I'm trying to prove that if $(M, g_0)$ is Einstein and $g(t) = (1-2\lambda t)g_0$ is a solution to its Ricci flow, then $\|\operatorname{Rm}(t)\|^2 = C R(t)^2$, where $R$ is the scalar curvature and $C$ is a constant depending only on $g_0$. This is a claim I've seen in a book but I'm not sure which norm they're using. Assuming it's the one induced by the metric, we have: $\|\operatorname{Rm}\|^2 = g^{ri}g^{sj}g^{pk}g^{q\ell}R_{rspq}R_{ijk\ell}$, but how can we relate this to the Ricci tensor? I'd appreciate any help. This is the discussion in the book: enter image description here

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Best Answer

Third Edit (the charm??): I don't know what Chow and Knopf had in mind when they wrote the equation $|\text{Rm}(t)| = CR$, because it's just wrong. But there's a very simple argument to show that the Ricci flow on a positive-scalar-curvature Einstein manifold has a Type I singularity.

Since the evolution of the meetric has the form $g(t) = a(t) g_0$ for some positive function $a(t)$, the inverse metric, $(0,4)$-Riemann curvature tensor, and scalar curvature transform as follows: $$\begin{align} \text{Rm}(x,t) &= a(t)\,\text{Rm(x,0)},\\ R(x,t) &= a(t)^{-1} R(x,0),\\ g(x,t)^{-1} & = a(t)^{-1} g_0(x)^{-1}. \end{align} $$ (See Theorem 7.30 in my Introduction to Riemannian Manifolds.) Thus the squared norm of $\text{Rm}(x,t)$ satisfies $$ \begin{align} \|\text{Rm}(x,t)\|^2 &= g(x,t)^{-1}*g(x,t)^{-1}*g(x,t)^{-1}*g(x,t)^{-1} * \text{Rm}(x,t)*\text{Rm}(x,t) \\ &=a(t)^{-2}\|\text{Rm(x,0)}\|^2 \end{align} $$ (where the asterisks represent contractions on various indices). Plugging in $a(t) = C(T-t)$ shows that $\|\text{Rm}(x,t)\|(T-t)$ is constant for each $x$. Since a complete Einstein manifold with positive scalar curvature must be compact by Myers's theorem, this quantity is bounded on $M$.

Here's why $|\text{Rm}(t)| = CR$ (or maybe they meant $CR(t)$) is not true no matter how you interpret it. If you interpret the left-hand side as a pointwise norm, it can't be correct because $R(t)$ is constant for each $t$ while $|\text{Rm}(t)|$ is not. If you interpret $|\text{Rm}(t)|$ to mean the global $L^2$ norm (i.e., the square root of the integral of the squared pointwise norm), then it's not true either because when $g(t) = a(t) g_0$ we have $R(t) = a(t)^{-1}R(0)$ while $$ \left(\int_M |\text{Rm}(t)|^2dV_{g(t)}\right)^{1/2} = a(t)^{-1+n/4}\left(\int_M |\text{Rm(0)}|^2dV_{g_0}\right)^{1/2}. $$ (See Theorem 7.30 in IRM.)

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