Norm inequality for matrix and vector $\|ABx\|_p \leq \|A\|_p\|Bx\|_p$


When I read a lecture note, it says

$$\|ABx\|_p \leq \|A\|_p\|Bx\|_p$$

  1. $A$, $B$ are matrices with appropriate dimension.
  2. $x$ is a vector

My questions are

  1. Why does this inequality hold? This includes matrix norm and vector norm.
  2. Under what conditions, the following holds? $$\|ABx\|_p = \|A\|_p\|Bx\|_p=\|Bx\|_p$$

I believe $A$ has to be an orthogonal matrix, i.e., $A^TA = AA^T = I$ at least so $\|A\|_p=1$.


Best Answer

For compatible norms, including induced norms (as $\|\cdot\|_p)$ we have $\|Ay\|\leq \|A\|\ \|y\|$ in your case $y=Bx$. This inequality follows from the definition of $\|A\|=\sup\left\lbrace \frac{\|Ay\|}{\|y\|}:y\neq 0\right\rbrace$. For the equality, you need that the vector $y$ maximizes the quantity $\frac{\|Ay\|}{\|y\|}$, which is not always an easy task. Check this question for more information Norm equivalence of a vector norm and its induced matrix norm using compactness argument