Norm and eigenvalues of a multiplication operator


Let $M$ be a multiplication operator from $L^2(\mathbb{R}, \mathbb{R})$ to itself, written as the following: $Mf(x)= (-3\chi\left\{x \in [-5,1]\right\} + 2\chi\left\{x \in [-1,2]\right\})f(x)$.


  1. Compute the norm of $M$.
  2. Find all the eigenvalues of $Nf(x)= (-3\chi\left\{x \in (-5,1)\right\} + 2\chi\left\{x \in (-1,2)\right\})f(x)$.

Attempt at a solution:

  1. I wrote $M = -3P_1 + 2P_2$, where $P_1$ and $P_2$ are the orthogonal projections from $L^2$ to the subspace of functions defined on $[-5,1]$ and $[-1,2]$ respectively. Then, I wrote $||M|| \leq 3 + 2 = 5$ , because $P_1$ and $P_2$ have both norm 1, since they are orthogonal projections. My claim is that $||M||= 5$: is that correct? How do I prove this?

  2. To find the eigenvalues, I wrote $Nf(x)= \lambda f(x)$ . Now, if $\lambda = 0$, $f(x)$ must be orthogonal to 1, so $\lambda = 0$ is the first eigenvalue. How do I find the entire point spectrum?

Best Answer

As JustDroppdIn wrote in his comment:

$$||M||= ||g||_{\infty}= \sup \{|g(x)|: x \in \mathbb R\}.$$

Since $|g(x)| \le 3$ for all $x$ and $|g(0)|=3,$ we get
