Nonorthogonal diagonalization and quadratic forms

diagonalizationeigenvalues-eigenvectorslinear algebraquadratic-forms

Consider a quadratic form $q(x)=x^TAx$ where $A$ is a real $n\times n$ symmetric matrix. If we diagonalize $A$, using a nonorthogonal matrix $P$, i.e. $A=PDP^{-1}$ where $D$ is a diagonal matrix of eigenvalues, then does the quadratic equation $x^TDx+c=0$ represent the same geometric shape as $x^TAx+c=0$? In other words, does a nonorthogonal change of coordinates necessarily not alter the basic shape? So does an ellipse remains an ellipse albeit it becomes distorted? If so, my question is why?

I think this is because the coordinate transformation is invertible but I cannot formally explain how that helps.

Best Answer

Yes. The number of positive, negative and zero elements remains invariant when diagonalizing the matrix. This is called Sylverster's Law of Inertia

To get a more intuitive understanding, notice that $x^TAx = x^TP^{-1}DPx$. But by the Spectral Theorem, any symmetric matrix with real values can be diagonalized by an orthogonal matrix which means that we can rewrite our original equation as $x^TAx = x^TP^TDPx = (Px)^TDPx$. So in this case, $P$ defines just an orthogonal change of coordinates and has no impact on the "shape" of the quadric.

If P wasn't orthogonal then you would be stuck in the former expression $x^TP^{-1}DPx$ which doesn't imply a nonorthogonal change of coordinates.

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