Nonhomogeneous linear transport equation

examples-counterexamplespartial differential equations

I am doing my first ever excercise sheet in PDE and stumbled upon following question:

Let u be a solution of the linear transport equation in the non
homogeneous case $u_t+b*u_x=f$. Let u have a compact support. Does u
have to be $0$?

We had another example for the homogenous case where I could show that u had to be 0 because of the fact that it is constant on the line x-bt and because of the compact support.

Here I would say it isn't the case since this quality of being constant in the line is not valid anymore and the general solution is also dependent on the integral.
But I cannot find any counterexample, so If would be great If somebody could give me a hint/help me.

Thanks in advance for the help.

Best Answer

A counterexample is a bump function (, and f defined as in the answer above would even be smooth.