“NONCOMMUTATIVE Algebra with a view towards Algebraic Geometry”


Is there a noncommutative algebra book that is similar to Eisenbud's "Commutative Algebra with a view towards Algebraic Geometry" in the sense that fundamental and geometrically motivated notions are covered in a systematic manner ? I was trying to look one online but found myself not knowing where to even start.


Best Answer

I am not sure you will find a single textbook with all informations. As suggested in comment, one answer could be "look up any book on $D$-modules" (for example these lectures by Bernstein are very good).

Here are some other pointers that could be useful :

These lectures by Ginzburg on non-commutative geometry, that contains a lot of important constructions. I really learned a lot just by reading the first chapters.

These lectures by Gaitsgory on geometric representation theory. It includes the study of category $\mathcal O$ for complex semisimple Lie algebras $\mathfrak g$, and the study of $\mathscr D$-modules, an important example of non-commutative algebras appearing in algebraic geometry.

I also think that books on Hochschild cohomology are relevant : these lectures by Pieter Belmans are geometry-oriented, and this book by Sarah Witherspoon is more algebraic but still could be a good reference.