Non-trivial dense subalgebra of continuous function


When we talk about dense subalgebra of continuous function on a compact interval, we usually think of smooth functioon or polynomials. Can we find another dense subalgebra which does not contain any non-constant polynomials? I know Stone-Weierstrass theorem gives us the condition of subalgebra being dense iff it separate points, but I haven't seen any concrete examples.

Best Answer

The algebra of polynomials is just the algebra generated by the single function "$x$", i.e. the inclusion map from your interval into $\mathbb{R}$. So you can pick some other continuous function instead and take the subalgebra it generates. As long as your function is injective, this subalgebra separates points and so is dense by Stone-Weierstrass, and typically this subalgebra will not contain any nonconstant polynomials. For example, you could take the subalgebra generated by the exponential function, which concretely consists of functions of the form $$x\mapsto\sum_{k=0}^na_ke^{kx}$$ for some constants $a_k$.

A related example which actually is used a lot (in connection with Fourier analysis) is the algebra of trigonometric polynomials, i.e. the subalgebra generated by the sine and cosine functions (which will jointly separate points as long as your interval has length less than $2\pi$). If you consider complex-valued functions instead of real-valued functions, this can also be described as the subalgebra generated by $x\mapsto e^{ix}$ and $x\mapsto e^{-ix}$ (so, it is just like the exponential example above except that there is a factor of $i$ in the exponents and $k$ can range over negative integers too).

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