Non-Noetherian one-dimensional domain with a finitely generated maximal ideal


Does there exist a non-Noetherian integral domain of Krull dimension one that has a finitely generated maximal ideal?

There is an example of a non-Noetherian valuation ring of Krull dimension one here but its maximal ideal appears to be infinitely generated.

Best Answer

[Edited to remove false information]

In his paper Overrings of Prüfer Domains,$^1$ Gilmer constructs a ring which is a locally a DVR and has all but one maximal ideal finitely generated. It is the last example in that paper. In general, "most" almost Dedekind domains (aka locally DVR rings) which are non-Noetherian will have some sharp primes. The literature on almost Dedekind domains is a good place to look for examples of the sort in question.

However, there cannot be any non-noetherian 1-dimensional local domain with a finitely generated maximal ideal. This follows, as user 26857 noted in the comments, from Cohen's theorem which states that a ring is Noetherian iff its prime ideals are finitely generated.

I am not sure whether there can be f.g. maximal ideals in non-Noetherian $1$-dimensional semi-local domains.

$^1$ Overrings of Prufer domains, I, J. Algebra 4 (1966), 331-340

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