No of different ways to colour vertices of square using one or more colours from the set {R,G,B,Y} such no two adjacent vertices have the same colour


If have to find The number of different ways to colour the vertices of a square PQRS using one or more colours from the set {R,G,B,Y}, such that no two adjacent vertices have the same colour is?

So starting from the vertex on the top left (say P), there are 4 possible colours, as Q can't be identical to P, Q can be coloured any of 3 colours, as can R , and S too. .

thus the answer must be $4*3^3 =108$.

however, I know this is wrong.

What am I doing wrong?

Best Answer

What you did wrong:

Q can't be identical to P is correct but R can be identical since it is not adjacent to P

P,R can be identical Q,S can be identical


Case-I P,R are identical

->P can take any of the four colors but R doesn't have a choice since it has to take what P takes to be identical ->Q on the other hand can take 3 colors and so can R

So, ( S either takes what Q takes or the any one of two remaining)

Case- II P,R are different

-> here S has two choices ( either take what q takes or take the remaining color) Total no. of ways = 84