No-Flat Topologies


Until recently, I did not believe that it would be possible to have a flat (in the Riemannian sense) torus or doughnut. But then I figured it is possible:

$$(x^1, x^2, x^3, x^4)=\Big(\cos\phi, \sin\phi, \cos\psi, \sin\psi\Big)$$
which is a 2D manifold embedded in the 4D Euclidean space ($\mathbb{E}^4$) with the induced, flat metric
It also is a torus, clearly! So my question is: Is it possible to have a flat sphere? A manifold with vanishing Riemann tensor everywhere (Not almost everywhere, like a cube) which has a spherical topology?
If yes, are there any topologies (high genus, etc.), for which this is not possible? Thanks!

Best Answer

Great question!

It is not possible to have a flat sphere. In fact, it follows from the Gauss-Bonnet theorem that any (edit: connected compact orientable) surface which is flat is topologically a torus.


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