No continuous map from usual topology $(\mathbb{R}, \tau_u)$ to the lower limit topology $(\mathbb{R}, \tau_l)$.


Given two basis for the set of real numbers $\mathbb{R}$, $B=\{(a,b): a,b\in R\}$ and $B'=\{(a,b]: a,b\in R\}$. Now the topology generated by the basis $B$ on $\mathbb{R}$ is called as usual topology $(\mathbb{R}, \tau_u)$ and by B' is called as lower limit topology $(\mathbb{R}, \tau_l)$.

It is well known result that $\mathbb{R}$ with lower limit topology is finer than the the usual topology.

My Question Can we claim that there is no continuous map from $(\mathbb{R}, \tau_u)$ to $(\mathbb{R}, \tau_l)$ other than the trivial map.

I have seen many question regarding usual topology and lower limit topology on this platform, but not getting my answer from these

Best Answer

There is no continuous map from the usual topology to the lower-limit topology, except constant maps.

If such a map $f$ were to attain distinct values $a$ and $b$, where $a<b$, then $f^{-1}[b,\infty)$ would be closed and also open in $\tau_u$, which is impossible because the only clopen subsets of $\tau_u$ are the whole set and the empty set.

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