Nigerian Math Olympiad Question

contest-mathdiscrete mathematics

How many ways can a child who is given the task of laying n bricks lay them out they can do so under the conditions

  • The laying of bricks is constrained to a single vertical plane
  • The bricks must be either placed adjacent to the previously placed brick or directly above it
  • The child constructs the initial layer from left to right
  • No brick can be floating

All cases with 6 blocks

enter image description here

My attempt: I just thought of this as a case of partitioning n, if I find the number of ways to partition n, I know the structures they make since after partitioning I just arrange the numbers in descending order and that would be it.

However I haven't come across any such formula that states the number of partitions a number n can have, I think it may be that my solution is wrong somehow since this was asked in the Nigeran math Olympiad a few years ago (saw it on AOPS) and the answers are almost always a complete formula in these kinds of tests, instead of statements. So is my answer right or wrong?

Best Answer

Observations towards a solution.
Prove the following. If you're stuck, state what you've tried.

  • The total number of blocks in the structure is $n$.
  • Every layer must be built one at a time (since we can't go down)
  • The structure is uniquely determined by how many squares is in each horizontal layer.
  • The number of blocks in each horizontal layer (2nd onwards)has at most as many blocks as the layer beneath it.
  • Thus, when viewed in horizontal layers, a structure yields a partition of $n$.
  • Conversely, show that if we have a partition of $n$, then we can build a structure.
  • Thus, we have a bijection. So, the number of structures is indeed the number of partitions.

I agree with you that no closed-form expression is known, so that likely isn't what they were expecting.
Maybe check the original writeup (see if they were asked to prove it's the number of partitions). It might also be possible that they got the problem wrong.

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