Nice olympiad inequality :$\frac{xy^2}{4y^3+3}+\frac{yz^2}{4z^3+3}+\frac{zx^2}{4x^3+3}\leq \frac{3}{7}$


I have this to solve :

Let $x,y,z>0$ such that $x+y+z=3$ then we have :
$$\frac{xy^2}{4y^3+3}+\frac{yz^2}{4z^3+3}+\frac{zx^2}{4x^3+3}\leq \frac{3}{7}$$

I try to use Jensen's inequality but the function $f(x)=\frac{x^2}{4x^3+3}$ is neither concave or convex on the interval $[0,3]$

I can't use Karamata's inequality too .

Maybe brute force is the only way to solve it .

I try also to use the derivative but it becomes a little bit difficult .

In fact my idea was to use rearrangment inequality we have :

$$\frac{xy^2}{4y^3+3}+\frac{yz^2}{4z^3+3}+\frac{zx^2}{4x^3+3}\leq \frac{x^3}{4x^3+3}+\frac{y^3}{4y^3+3}+\frac{z^3}{4z^3+3}$$

An use the inequality of Jensen's on $[0.8,1.2]$ with $f(x)=\frac{x^3}{4x^3+3}$

So it's a partial answer .

My question is how to complete my answer or can you provide an other answer ?

Thanks a lot for sharing your knowledge and your time .

Best Answer

Note that (tangent line trick) $$\frac{5+2y}{49} - \frac{y^2}{4y^3+3} = \frac{(8y^2+36y+15)(y-1)^2}{49(4y^3+3)}.$$ Thus, we have $$\frac{y^2}{4y^3+3} \le \frac{5+2y}{49}, \quad \forall y \ge 0.$$ Thus, we have $$\sum_{\mathrm{cyc}} \frac{xy^2}{4y^3+3} \le \sum_{\mathrm{cyc}} \frac{x(5+2y)}{49} = \frac{5(x+y+z) + 2(xy+yz+zx)}{49} \le \frac{3}{7}$$ where we have used the fact that $xy+yz+zx \le \frac{(x+y+z)^2}{3}$. We are done.

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