Nets, Cluster points, and closure: Showing a space is compact if every net has a cluster point


I'm trying to understand the following proof that a space $X$ is compact if and only if every net has a cluster point. I have a specific confusion with how cluster points relate to closure which is expanded on after the proof.

A cluster point is defined as

enter image description here

Here is the proof of the implication that if every net has a cluster point then $X$ is compact.

enter image description here

How does closure relate to cluster points?

I do not understand why $x$ must be in $\overline{X \backslash U_\alpha}$. As far as I understand the closure of a space is the space with all its limit points. But a cluster point need not be a limit point? Is there some other reason $x$ must be in the closure?

Best Answer

Proposition: If $(x_\alpha)_{\alpha \in A}$ is a net in $X$ with cluster point $y$, then $y$ is in $\overline{ \{ x_\alpha | \alpha \in A\}}$.

Proof: Suppose $y \not \in \{ x_\alpha | \alpha \in A\}$. We will then show it is a limit point. Let $U$ an open set containing $y$. Then since $y$ is a cluster point there exists some $\alpha \in A$ s.t. $x_\alpha \in U$. So $\{ x_\alpha | \alpha \in A\} \cap U = \{ x_\alpha | \alpha \in A\} \cap U \backslash\{y\} \neq \emptyset$. So $y$ is a limit point.

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