Nested, closed, bounded sets in complete metric space is non empty


I am self-studying Real Analysis and doing the exercise 3.21 of Rudin, Principles of Mathematical Analysis.

enter image description here

I got the same proof idea, but cannot reach the argument that “$x$ must belong to $E_n$ for all n.''

Pulling things out of context, we would have the following claim: If ($E_n$) is a nested sequence of closed and bounded sets in a complete metric space $X$ with $E_n\supseteq E_{n+1}$. Then, $\cap_1^\infty E_n$ is non-empty.

The proof idea is to construct a sequence $(x_n)$ s.t. $x_n\in E_n$. The limit of the sequence $x:=\lim_{n\rightarrow\infty} x_n$ exists in the metric space X because of completeness.

With the fact that x is the limit of $(x_n)$, I can only say $x_n$ would get closer to $x$ by an arbitrarily small $\epsilon$, but if $x$ happens to be located at some (overlapping) “boundary'' of the closed sets $x_n$, such $\epsilon$-fluctuation could go outside of some $E_n$.

In the provided proof, the author used some logical schema like (with predicate $P$) if $P(x_n)$ for all $n>m$, then $P(\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty} x_m)$. This is obviously not true.

I would appreciate much if anyone could construct a more rigorous proof.

Best Answer

In a metric space, a subset $E \subseteq X$ is closed if and only if whenever $x_n$ is a sequence contained in $E$ that converges to $x$ in $X$, then $x \in E$. (If you haven't seen this before, you should have a go proving it: the standard method is by contrapositive, assuming there's a sequence $x_n \in E$ that converges to $x \notin E$ and showing that $x$ is a point that makes the complement of $E$ not open.) This is where the proof uses the fact that the sets $E_n$ are closed: this statement isn't true for non-closed $E$.

For each $E_n$, the sequence $(x_m: m\geq n)$ is a convergent sequence contained in the closed set $E_n$, so the limit $x$ is in $E_n$ because it's closed. This shows that $x$ is in all $E_n$, so it's in the intersection.

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