Negative sign in calculating area of an ellipse using parametric equations


I'm trying to prove the formula for the area of an ellipse using parametric equations. If we let $x(t)=a\ cos(\varphi)$ and $y(t)=b\ sin(\varphi)$, then $dx = -a\ sin(\varphi)\ d\varphi$. So:

$$\int y\ dx = -ab\int_{0}^{2\pi} \sin^2(\varphi)\ d\varphi$$

I evaluated the integral and I got $-ab\pi$. Why is there a negative sign? Am i doing something wrong? Do I need to allays take the absolute value if the area is negative or that just means that I'm doing it wrong?

Best Answer

The area of the top half of the ellipse is $$\int_{-a}^a y\ dx = -ab\int_{\pi}^{0} \sin^2(\varphi)\ d\varphi={\small{\frac{1}{2}}}ab\pi$$ When applying a substitution, you need to change the limits of integration to be consistent with the original limits.