Need some simpler books than Algebraic Geometry I Complex Projective Varieties by David Mumford


Right now I am reading David Mumford's book-Algebraic Geometry I Complex Projective Varieties, from the 3ed chapter, too much proofs lead me to lost in the book. I need more suitable for beginner so I can read David Mumford's book, that is with more examples and explanations. Or, some other books you think are suitable for me. I have some backgound on functional analysis, commutative algebra by A&M, Bertrametti et al. "Lectures on Curves, Surfaces and Projective Varieties".

Best Answer

An Invitation to Algebraic Geometry by Smith, K., Kahanpää, L., Kekäläinen, P., Traves

Is a great place to start, covers lots of material in an informal way, with lots of diagrams and intuitive explanations. It's perfect before starting a more formal study.

As mentioned in the comment by @jgon Milne has lecture notes on his site which provide an excellent introduction (as well as fantastic notes on a range of other subjects)