Necessary and sufficient conditions that a cubic equation has three positive real roots


Given the cubic equation

What are the necessary and sufficient conditions that this equation has three positive real roots?

My attempt:

From this answer, the necessary and sufficient conditions that a cubic equation has three real roots is
$$-27r^2 + 18 pqr – 4 q^3 – 4 p^3 r + p^2 q^2 \ge 0 \tag{1}$$

In order to make the roots positive, the necessary conditions are
$$p <0\tag{2}$$
$$q >0\tag{3}$$
$$r <0\tag{4}$$
but are these conditions sufficient?

PS: Finally, I found the answer.

Best Answer

Let $a,b,c$ be three roots of the cubic equations. We will prove that if $(2),(3)$ and $(4)$ hold, $a,b,c$ must be all positive.

Suppose the contradiction, from $(4)$ we can suppose that $a<0,b<0$ and $c>0$.

From $(2)$, we have $c> -a-b$.

From $(3)$, we have $$ab + c(a+b)>0 \implies ab >c(-a-b)>(-a-b)^2 = a^2 +2ab+b^2$$ or $a^2+ab+b^2 <0$ (contradiction).

So, $a,b,c$ must be all positive.

Then, $(1),(2),(3)$ and $(4)$ are necessary and sufficient conditions for having all 3 positive roots.

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