Necessary and Sufficient conditions for vector spaces.


My question is very short and simple.

Given a set, V, which contains a vector $(x_1,x_2,x_3)$ which follows a specific rule –

If I show that the set is closed under both component wise addition of two vectors also in the set, and show that the set is also closed under scalar multiplication, have I proven that the set is a Vector Space?

My immediate thought is, no, due to the fact that if a set doesn't contain the zero vector, then it cant be defined as a vector space.

Do I need to show that the zero vector is a member of the set, or is this assumed by proving the two conditions regarding addition and scalar multiplication above.

Thanks for your help in advance

Best Answer

Here is what I think you are asking.

I have a vector space $W$ and a subset $V$ of $W$ that I want to show is a subspace. I have proved that $W$ is closed under scalar multiplication and vector addition. I have not proved that $V$ contains the $0$ vector. Am I done?

The answer to this question: yes, as long as you can show that $V$ is not empty, because if there is some $v \in V$ then using what you have already proved, $$ v + (-1)v = 0 \in V. $$

The problem with the question as you asked it is that you did not tell us that the vectors in $V$ were elements of some larger space - in this case probably $\mathbb{R}^3$. The "rule" is irrelevant in the question, though you need it to write an answer.