Naturality of Lyndon-Hochschild-Serre


I am currently trying to show that the Lyndon-Hochschild-Serre spectral sequence converges naturally in the following sense: Suppose we are given a $\mathbb{Z}G'$-module $A$ and a commutative diagram of groups with exact rows as follows:


Then the claim is that the corresponding induced homomorphisms on homology fit together to form a morphism


of spectral sequences. To be more precise, this means that the homomorphisms between the corresponding pages are compatible with the differentials and that the map on the $(r+1)$-st page is induced by the one on the $r$-th page.

Here is my attempt: I can use the following well known theorem:

Theorem Let $R$ be a ring and let $C = (C_{p,q})$ be a first quadrant double complex with homomorphisms $d'_{p,q} : C_{p,q} \to C_{p-1,q}$ and $d''_{p,q} : C_{p,q} \to C_{p,q-1}$ for all $p,q \in \mathbb{N}$, such that $d'd'=0$, $d''d''=0$ and $d'd''+d''d'=0$. Then there exist two natural converging spectral sequences
{}^IE^1_{p,q} = H_q(C_{p,*},d'_{p,*}) &\implies H_{p+q}(\text{Tot}(C))\\
{}^{II}E^1_{p,q} = H_q(C_{*,p},d''_{*,p}) &\implies H_{p+q}(\text{Tot}(C)),

where $\text{Tot}(C)$ denotes the total complex of $C$.

Now in the context of Lyndon-Hochschild-Serre, I take $\tilde{F}_* \otimes_Q (F_* \otimes_H A)$ as the total complex $\text{Tot(C)}$, where $F_*$ is a projective $\mathbb{Z}G$-resolution of $\mathbb{Z}$ and $\tilde{F}_*$ is a projective $\mathbb{Z}Q$-resolution of $\mathbb{Z}$. I can show that the first of these two spectral sequences looks like
{}^IE^1_{p,q} \cong \tilde{F}_p \otimes_Q H_q(H;A) \implies H_{p+q}(G;A).

My question: How can I go from here? Does the theorem imply that all maps are compatible with all differentials on every $E^r$-page? If not, what exactly remains to be shown? Obviously I have to use the naturality part of the theorem, but I'm not sure what I'm allowed to infer and what not.

Thank you for any help!

Best Answer

In a more topological approach the LHS spectral sequence can be consindered as a Leray-Serre Spectral sequence. For every short exact sequence $0\to N\to G\to Q\to 0$ one can construct a fibration of classifying spaces $BN\to BG \to BQ$ (see for example Adem's Group cohomology) and with it induced maps of fibrations. The result follows from general results of the Serre spectral sequence (see Fuchs-Fomenko Homotopical Topology).

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