Naturality of an exact sequence


I was reading this post about the Künneth theorem, to try to understand what it is.

I don't really understand what it means for a sequence to be natural. Does this mean we have a natural transformation between some functors? Which ones?

Best Answer

If $F, G, H:C\rightarrow Ab$ are a functors to an Abelian category. Suppose that for every object $A$ there exists an exact sequence $F(A)\rightarrow G(A)\rightarrow H(A)$. This sequence is natural if and only if for every morphism $f:A\rightarrow B$,

$\matrix{ F(A)&\rightarrow &G(A)&\rightarrow& H(A)\cr F(f)\downarrow &&G(f)\downarrow &&\downarrow H(f) \cr F(B)&\rightarrow &G(B)&\rightarrow& H(B)}$

is commutative.

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