Name of numbers which don’t change the result


Is there a name for numbers which, for a particular calculation operator, don't change the result?

E.g. while adding, $0$ does not affect the result, which is also why we choose it as the starting point for a sum. When multiplying, $1$ does not change the result, which is also why we choose it as a starting point for factorials.

I'd like to know more about these sort of numbers, but it's hard to google for them not knowing their name.

Best Answer

I'll just add two things to the observation in comments that the term "identity" [Wikipedia] is sought. Firstly, for non-commutative operations we must distinguish between left- and right-identities. Secondly, and this is something of a tangent: the very different property $0$ has in multiplication, viz. $0x=0$, earns it the name absorbing element. And $1$ is an identity for exponentiation on one side and an absorber on the other.

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