Name of gap in the surreal numbers


Is there a name for the gap between the real numbers and the fractions of $\omega$?

$$\left\{1,2,3,\dotsc\ \middle|\ \omega, \frac{\omega}{2}, \frac{\omega}{3},\dotsc\right\}$$

Is this written about in On Numbers & Games or any other book?

Best Answer

This is not a "gap" in the technical sense, it's just a regular surreal number. Specifically, it can be written $\sqrt{\omega}$. You can check that that is correct by doing the multiplication.

For a free resource, Equation (5.15) on page 42 of Claus Tøndering's Surreal Numbers - An Introduction states that $$\sqrt{\omega} = \left\{ \mathbb{Z} \ \middle|\ \omega,\frac{\omega}2,\frac{\omega}3,\frac{\omega}4,\dotsc \right\},$$ and the nonpositive numbers on the left don't affect the value by a version of "the simplicity theorem" or a variant of "deleting dominated options" (Theorem 11 on page 21 of Surreal Numbers - An Introduction is enough, for instance.).