N Queens: possible arrangements on 8×8 board


I am studying the $N$-Queens problem and have found the following statement

Now number of possible arrangements of $N$ Queens on $N \times N$ chessboard is
$N!$, given you are skipping row or column, already having a queen
placed. So average and worst case complexity of the solution is $O(N!)$
(since, you are checking all the possible solutions i.e. $N^N$
arrangements). The best case occurs if you find your solution before
exploiting all possible arrangements. This depends on your

And if you need all the possible solutions, the best, average and
worst-case complexity remains $O(N!)$

(Note: none of the other answers (or links on them) on the link above help in my understanding)

I don't understand this at all.

Surely the total number of possible arrangements (not the total number of solutions) for the $8$ Queens – assuming we have an 8×8 board (hence $N=8$) – will be

$64\cdot 63\cdot 62\cdot 61\cdot 60\cdot 59\cdot 58\cdot 57$

…based on what I learned from a similar problem (number of seating arrangements), which gives me a far, far greater value than $N^N$???

Best Answer

The quote you have posted is making use of the fact that in the $N$-queens problem none of the queens is allowed to be threatening any of the others, so there must be exactly $1$ queen in each column (otherwise the queens in the same column would threaten each other). So if we want find solutions to the $N$-queens problem we need only consider potential solutions with $1$ queen per column. For each column choose a row in which to place a queen, giving us $N^N$ arrangements to check.