$n$ in the Sampling Distribution of the Sample mean


My question is: what is the correct value to use for "$n$" in formulas pertaining to the mean and variance of the sampling distribution of the sample mean.

Let's say we are taking $25$ samples from a population $64$ times.
And we want to calculate $\mu_{\bar{X}}$

I would think we would estimate for each sample of $25$ elements $\bar{X}_k=\frac{\Sigma_{i=1}^{25}X_i}{25}$.
And then $\mu_{\bar{X}}=\frac{\Sigma_{k=1}^{64}\bar{X}_k}{64}$

Similarly, for the variance, $\sigma_{\bar{X}}= \sqrt{\frac{\Sigma_{k=1}^{64}(\bar{X}_k- \mu_{\bar{X}})^2}{64}}$

What makes me skeptical that this is correct is that all the formulas for these parameter estimates have an "$n$" which seems to refer to the sample size. And In the context of what I'm asking, is that $25$ or $64$.

In particular in the relation: $\sigma_{\bar{X}}=\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}$ is $n=25$ or $64$, or maybe even $25\times 64= 1600$.


Best Answer

First of all, you are right with you answer. I think your confusion Côme from the fact you have two distinct situation.

First situation: you take sample of 25 induviduals from a population. Here $n=25$ and you used it to find $\bar X_k$.

Second situation: you have 64 of these d'amples. Here $n=64$. You used it to evalutate $\mu_{\bar X}$.

For your standard deviation $\sigma_{\bar X}$, you are dealing with values from the second situation, so $n=64$.

It is always a lot of fun to deal with those multileveled questions. It is important to label your variable to distinguish them.

EDIT OP added

In particular relating the actual variance of the population to the sample error of the mean: $\sigma_{\bar{X}}=\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}$ is $n=25$ or $64$?

Once again, it is a matter te define variable properly.

Level $0$: the population has a mean $\mu$ and a standard deviation of $\sigma$.

Level $1$: sample of size $25$. For each sample, you will have a mean of $\bar X_k$ and a standard deviation of $\sigma_k$ (the standard deviation of the sample).

The expected mean distribution has a mean of $E[\bar X_k]=\mu$ (same has population) and a standard deviation of $$\sqrt{\mathrm{Var}[\bar X_k]}=\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{25}}$$

Level $2$: $64$ samples. You took $64$ means of samples evaluate the mean.

The expected mean of the value of the level $2$ mean is $$E[\bar X]=E[\bar X_k]=\mu$$ And the variance will be $$\sqrt{\mathrm{Var}[\bar X]}=\frac{\sqrt{\mathrm{Var}[\bar X_k]}}{\sqrt{64}}=\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{25}\sqrt{64}}$$

TL;DR Now to answer about your $$\sigma_{\bar X}=\sqrt{\frac{\sum_{k=1}^{64}(\bar X_k -\mu_{\bar X})^2}{64}}$$ It is the standard deviation of your $64$ sample means, it refer to the expected distribution of the level $1$. So it should be around $\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{25}}$.

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