Multivariate Taylor series with Hessian evaluated at a linear combination of $x$ and $\Delta x$

multivariable-calculustaylor expansion

I found the following theorem, but I don't understand it and was unable to prove it. Is it true? Is there a proof for it?

Theorem: Let $f : R^d → R$ be such that $f$ is twice-differentiable and
has continuous derivatives in an open ball $B$ around the point $x ∈ R^d$. Then for any small enough $∆x ∈ R^d$ such that

$x + ∆x$ is also contained in the ball $B$, we have the following:

f(x + \Delta x) = f(x) + \Delta x^T\nabla f|_x + \frac{1}{2}(\Delta x)^T (\nabla^2f|_w)(\Delta x)

Where $(\nabla^2f|_w)$ is the Hessian of $f$ evaluated at a point $w ∈ R^d$
that lies on the line connecting $x$ and $x + ∆x$

I understand that this is a second-order Taylor expansion of $f$ about $x$, and I understand why it is in this form.

But, I don't get is why the Hessian can be evaluated at the point $w$ rather than at $x$. If it is a Taylor expansion about $x$, shouldn't all derivatives be evaluated at $x$? Why is this expansion valid?

For reference, this is where I found the theorem:
On page 2.

Best Answer

The short answer is, that the part with the Hessian of $f$ is an error correcting term. Thus the theorem states that if $f$ is twice differentiable you can approximate your function by an (affine) linear function (your first two terms with zero- and first order differentials) and the error of that approximation evaluated at any point $x+\Delta x$ is given by the Hessian of $f$ evaluated at a certain point on the line between $x$ and $x+\Delta x$.

You will find the same idea in the one-dimensional statement about Taylor series. Sometimes this will be refered to as Lagrangian form (of the remainder).

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