Multiplicative functions and the sum of all divisors: $\sum_{d\mid2020}{\sigma(d)}$

divisor-summultiplicative-functionnumber theorysummation

Doing more practice for my final and I need some help with the following:


where $\sigma(n)$ is the sum of all divisors of n.

The hint given specifically states that this isn't asking for the sum of all the divisors of 2020!.

I found $${\sigma(2020)} = 4284$$ but I need some help progressing from here. Thanks!

Best Answer

The convolution of two multiplicative functions is multiplicative. Since $\sigma=id\ast 1$, we have $\sigma$ is multiplicative. Even more, we have $f(n)=\sum_{d|n}\sigma(d)$ is multiplicative($f=\sigma\ast 1$, the convolution of two multiplicative functions).

Multiplicative means that $f(mn)=f(m)f(n)$ when $\gcd(m,n)=1$. In particular a multiplicative function is determined by the values of it at prime powers.

In particular, we have $2020=(2^2)(5)(101)$. Hence, $$f(2020)=f(2^2)f(5)f(101)=(\sigma(1)+\sigma(2)+\sigma(2^2))(\sigma(1)+\sigma(5))(\sigma(1)+\sigma(101))=(1+3+7)(1+6)(1+102)=7931$$

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