Moving frame method with non-matrix Lie group


I am trying to understand the modern formulation of the moving frame method for Lie group acting on a manifold.
I know the following theorem

Let be $M$ a manifold, $G$ a Lie group and $\omega$ the Maurer-Cartan form of $G$. If $f_1, f_2: M \to G$ are two functions, than $f_1^*\omega = f_2^*\omega$ if and only if $f_1 = gf_2$ for a fixed $g \in G$.

I have always seen this theorem proved for matrix Lie group. In this case that's easy because $G$ can play directly with his Lie algebra $\frak{g}$ (for example we have $\omega_g = g^{-1}dg$). My question is:

Is this theorem true for a general Lie group? How is this proved?

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

There are various proofs in textbooks. My favorite proof is to use E. Cartan's graph trick and the Frobenius Theorem.

As you stated it, things aren't quite right. You need $M$ connected.

If $\omega^1,\dots,\omega^n$ are $n$ basis left-invariant forms (so we pick a basis for $\mathfrak g^*$ and pull back by $L_g$), consider the differential ideal generated by the $1$-forms $$\eta^i = f_1^*\omega^i-f_2^*\omega^i.$$ Conceptually, we're looking at the map $F=(f_1,f_2)\colon M\to G\times G$ and pulling back the forms $\phi^i=\pi_1^*\omega^i - \pi_2^*\omega^i$ by the product map. The differential system $\phi^1=\dots=\phi^n=0$ is completely integrable, since $$d\phi = \pi_1^*[\omega,\omega] - \pi_2^*[\omega,\omega] = [\phi,\pi_1^*\omega] + [\pi_2^*\omega,\phi] \equiv 0 \pmod\phi.$$ Indeed, integral manifolds of $\phi^i=0$ give left cosets of the diagonal subgroup $\Delta\subset G\times G$. Since $F^*\phi^i = 0$ by hypothesis, and since $M$ is connected the image of $F$ must be contained in one of those integral manifolds, which says that $f_1=gf_2$ for some $g\in G$.