Motivation of the definition of topology


In general topology the the definition of topology is the following:

Let X be a non empty set. A set $\tau$ of subsets of $X$ is said to be a topology on $X$ if

  • $X \in \tau$ and $\emptyset \in \tau$
  • The union of any (finite or infinite) number of sets in $\tau$ belongs to $\tau$
  • The intersection of finitely many elements of $τ$ is an element of $τ$.

My question is, why do we define the topology on a set this way?

Why does the finite or infinite union of sets in $\tau$ belongs in $\tau$ but only the finite intersection of elements of $\tau$ belongs on $\tau$?

And why do we need to have that $X \in \tau$ and $\emptyset \in \tau$?

What is the motivation for this definition?

Best Answer

Intuitively an open set is a set with the property that if a point $x$ is in it then all points sufficiently close to it are also in the set. When you study such sets in the real line you will quickly discover that unions of such sets always have this property but the same is not true for intersections. For example the intervals $(-\frac 1n , \frac 1 n)$ are all open. The intersection of these sets is $\{0\}$. Now $0$ is in this set but points close to $0$ are not. Hence intersection of open sets need not be open. However we can show that finite intersections of open sets are open.

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