Motivation behind studying Alternating Groups


Going through "A Book of Abstract Algebra" by Charles Pinter now.

At the end of Chapter 8 Permutations of a finite set, he says that:

"The set of all even permutations in $S_n$ is a subgroup of $S_n$. It
is denoted by $A_n$ and is called the alternating group on the set
$\{1,2,\dots, n\}$"

What is interesting about even permutations that make them worth labelling and studying? It seems like a whole class of object being pulled out of thin air. Pinter doesn't do a good job of motivating the study of these objects.

Note: I have also watched this video on "Visual Group Theory" covering Alternating groups, and it doesn't cover motivation too much either (rather, just saying that such objects exist), although I find it interesting that alternating groups can represent platonic solids.

Best Answer

Even permutations appear often enough in practice to warrant particular attention (for instance, a permutation of the coordinate axes of $\Bbb R^n$ is orientation preserving iff it is even).

Here is another important and more theoretical reason: For $n\geq5$, they are simple groups, which is to say, they have no normal subgroups (aside from the trivial subgroup and itself).

Simple finite groups play a role for finite groups similar to what primes part for natural numbers; in a sense each finite group is "composed" of a collection of simple groups. More specifically, given a finite group $G$, and a maximal (proper) normal subgroup $N$, the quotient $G/N$ is simple. Then we can look at $N$ and take a maximal normal subgroup $M$, and the quotient $N/M$ is again simple.

Keep going like this until you get to the trivial group, and you have a so-called composition series of $G$. No matter which maximal normal subgroup you choose at each step, the simple groups that appear as quotients will be the same (up to isomorphism, and the order can change). These composition series are an important characteristic of a group, and possibly most famously appear in the proof of the insolubility of the general quintic (insolubility happens first in degree $5$ because $S_5$ is the first symmetric group with a non-abelian simple group, $A_5$, as a quotient in its composition series).

So simple groups are important in general, and the most available simple groups are the prime order cyclic groups and the alternating groups (for $n\neq 4$). So they are important.

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