Morphism of Sheaves Given Morphism of Sheaves on a Base


This is from Vakil's FOAG: exercise 2.5 C, part b. I understand how objects in the extension sheaf from a sheaf on a base $\mathcal B$ of a topology are created, but I am having trouble understanding how to produce a morphism of sheaves given a morphism of sheaves on a base.

Assume we have topological space $X$. Supposing we have two sheaves on our base $\mathcal B$, say $F$ and $G$, and maps $F(B_i) \to G(B_i)$ for all $B_i \in \mathcal B$, these induce maps between any stalks $F_x \to G_x$ we like, and we know also for any $x \in X$, that $F_x \simeq F^{ext}_x$, where $F^{ext}$ is our extended sheaf (likewise for $G^{ext}$). After this, I do not know how to proceed, nor do I know if I needed all of that information.

Best Answer

As indicated by the KReiser hint, you can do as follows:

We see the following diagram :

enter image description here

The first and second rows are exact , due to sheaf property, the second square commute do to compactible with restriction. and the universal property of the kernel gives the morphism we want.