Monochromatic square in colored plane

coloringcombinatoricsgraph theoryramsey-theory

Square Theorem. Color every point in the real plane using a finite amount of colors. Show there exists a square whose vertices are monochromatic.

I am aware this question is a duplicate, however, the answers given there don't really prove the statement. Despite there being references quoted, they all seem to be lacking a proof as well.

I am also aware this is a consequence of Gallai's Theorem, which states

Gallai's Theorem. Color every point in $\mathbb R^n$ using a finite amount of colors. Let $A\subset\mathbb R^n$ be a finite set. Then there is a monochromatic subset $A'\subset\mathbb R^n$ that is homothetic (i.e., similar and parallel) to $A$.

This theorem is so unpopular there is not even a Wikipedia page about it, but one may find a proof in the great The Mathematical Coloring Book (which do have its own Wikipedia page). Still, the book mentions two existing direct proofs for the Square Theorem, one through Van der Waerden's Theorem and the other through a strategy similar to Van der Waerden's Theorem's proof, none of which it presents nor I've found elsewhere. It seems I'm not the only one: this presentation cites two supposed direct proofs for the Square Theorem as "folklore".

Anyway, is there a direct proof for the Square Theorem? Does anyone knows it? I have not even been able to find a proof for the three color case and its preventing me to sleep for so long now.

Best Answer

It seems easier to discuss the stronger "combinatorial" square theorem, which states:

For each integer $r>0$ there is some $n>0$ such that, whenever $[n]^2$ is $r$-colored, there exists a set of the form $$\{(x,y), (x+d,y), (x,y+d), (x+d,y+d)\}$$ whose four elements all receive the same color.

Here (and later), $[n]$ refers to $\{1,2,\dots,n\}$.

The combinatorial square theorem implies the square theorem in $\mathbb R^2$, since we can draw $[n]^2$ as a grid in $\mathbb R^2$. Looking at the theorem in the plane also allows "lopsided" squares; it seems unlikely, but possible, that those make the proof easier.

The combinatorial theorem is sandwiched between the length-$4$-AP case of van der Waerden's theorem and the size-$4$-alphabet case of the Hales–Jewett theorem in the Ramsey-type theorem hierarchy. Specifically, there are maps $$ [4]^d \longrightarrow [2^d]^2 \longrightarrow [3 \cdot 2^d] $$ such that every combinatorial line in $[4]^d$ maps to a square in $[2^d]^2$ (though not all squares are obtained in this way), and every square in $[2^d]^2$ maps to a length-$4$ arithmetic progression in $[3\cdot 2^d]$ (though not all arithmetic progressions are obtained in this way).

This means that the Hales–Jewett theorem implies the square theorem. Given an $r$, let $d$ be the Hales–Jewett number for a size-$4$ alphabet and $r$ colors, and take $n=2^d$. Any $r$-coloring of $[n]^2$ can be pulled back to a coloring of $[4]^d$, which must contain a combinatorial line, and the image of that combinatorial line is a monochromatic square in our coloring of $[n]^2$.

This also means that the square theorem implies the length-$4$-AP case of van der Waerden's theorem. Given an $r$, choose $n$ large enough that the $n/3$ by $n/3$ grid is big enough for the square theorem. Any $r$-coloring of $[n]$ can be pulled back to a coloring of $[n/3]^2$, which must contain a monochromatic square, and the image of that monochromatic square is a length-$4$ AP in our coloring of $[n]$.

For this reason, the square theorem should not have a proof significantly easier than van der Waerden's theorem, unless the length-$4$ case is easier than the general case to prove.

Here are the details of the two maps mentioned earlier.

The map from $[4]^d$ to $[2^d]^2$ is defined recursively. To map $[4]$ to $[2]^2$, send $1$ to $(1,1)$, $2$ to $(1,2)$, $3$ to $(2,1)$, and $4$ to $(2,2)$. To map $[4]^d$ to $[2^d]^2$, separate $[4]^d$ out into $4$ copies of $4^{d-1}$, with last coordinate $1$, $2$, $3$, or $4$. Map each copy to $[2^{d-1}]^2$. Then shift the second copy over by $(0,2^{d-1})$, the third copy over by $(2^{d-1},0)$, and the fourth copy over by $(2^{d-1},2^{d-1})$. The effect of this is that a combinatorial line which changes coordinates in a set $I \subseteq [d]$ corresponds to a square with side length $\sum_{i \in I} 2^{i-1}$.

The map from $[2^d]^2$ to $[3 \cdot 2^d]$ is much simpler: the point $(x,y)$ is mapped to $x+2y$. A square $\{(x,y), (x+d,y), (x,y+d), (x+d,y+d)\}$ is mapped to $\{x+y, x+y+d, x+y+2d, x+y+3d\}$, which is an arithmetic progression of length $4$.

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