PDE – Monge’s Equations and Characteristics of ut + (x+u)ux = 0 with u(x,0) = x

characteristicspartial differential equations

Consider the nonlinear wave problem
u_t + (x+u)u_x = 0\\
u(x,0) = x

a) Write down Monge's equations in the for $du/d\tau$…,etc, and solve them.

b) Plot the characteristics in the tx plane

So, I honestly don't know how to do this. I know the process when we have an equation of the form $u_t + c(u)u_x = 0$, but not when that function also includes x?

All I can confidently do is write Monge's equations for the problem:
\dfrac{dt}{d\tau} = 1,\\
\dfrac{dx}{d\tau} = x+u,\\

Which gives that

u = c_1 \text{ (const. w.r.t } \tau)\text{ and }
\\\dfrac{dx}{dt} = x + u

But I don't know how to go about solving this and I'm struggling to find resources on this.

If anyone could explain what I need to do here or point me to some resources on this it would be much appreciated.

I tried to follow this answer, as it seemed like a similar problem, however the solution I got was
u(x,y) = \frac{x(1-t)}{1+t},
but this doesn't work when substituted into the PDE so I must have done something wrong or perhaps that method is not what I want to be doing?

Best Answer

Regarding the PDE

$$ \begin{cases} u_t + (x+u)u_x = 0\\ u(x,0) = x \end{cases} $$

we have

$$ \frac{dt}{1}=\frac{dx}{x+u}=\frac{du}{0} $$

and solving,

$$ \cases{ u = c_1\\ e^{t + c_2} = x+c_1 \Rightarrow e^t c_3 = x + c_1 } $$

but $c_1 = u$ and $c_3 = G(u)$, so

$$ e^tG(u) = x+u $$

Now $G(\cdot)$ is determined according to the boundary conditions:

$$ e^0G(u(0,x))=x+u(0,x)\Rightarrow G(x) = 2x $$

then we follow with

$$ e^t(2 u)=x+u\Rightarrow u(t,x) = \frac{x}{2e^t-1} $$

Along the characteristic curves, $u(x,t) = c_0$ so we have

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