Modulo calculation on a polynomial, in NASA tutorial on Reed-Solomon codes

finite-fieldsgalois-theorymodular arithmeticpolynomials

I am reading Geisel's tutorial$^{\color{red}{\star}}$ on Reed-Solomon codes, in which a Galois Field is developed. The elements of the field are generated as consecutive powers of $X$, modulo an irreducible, primitive polynomial $F(X)=X^4+X+1$. From pages 18 and 19,

enter image description here
enter image description here

My question is:
Why can $X^4\mod F(X) = X^4 + X + 1$ be calculated by '… setting our 4th degree $F(X)$ to zero, and obtain the 4-tuple equivalent to $X^4$.'?

A few pages later, the same modulo function is performed using a long division on the polynomials, which I understand. But why can this also be done as mentioned above?

The answer is probably obvious, I just don't see it.

$\color{red}{\star}$ William A. Geisel, Tutorial on Reed-Solomon Error Correction Coding [PDF], NASA Technical Memorandum 102162, NASA, August 1990.

Best Answer

$X^4 \mod F(X) = X^4 + X + 1$ can be calculated this way, because this is essentially the (modulo) division algorithm performed in equational form.

Euclidean division of polynomials states:

"Given two univariate polynomials $a$ and $b ≠ 0$ defined over a field, there exist two polynomials $q$ (the quotient) and $r$ (the remainder) which satisfy: $a = bq + r$, and $deg(r) < deg(b)$.".

The calculation $X^4 \mod F(X)\ (=X^4 + X + 1) = r$ (with $r$ being the remainder), can be fitted in the Euclidean division as:

  • $a = X^4$,
  • $b = X^4 + X + 1$,
  • $q = 1$ ($q = 1$ because this is one first step in a repeated division algorithm),
  • $r = r$ (the remainder to be calculated).

So $X^4 = (X^4 + X + 1) ⋅ 1 + r$. This can be solved to $r = −X −1$. After applying the modulo 2 calculation on this result, the result is $r = X + 1$.

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