Module over skew polynomial ring


Let $\sigma$ be an endomorphism of a skew field $D$ and consider the skew polynomial ring $$R= D[X,\sigma]$$

which is a ring of left polynomials $\sum_{i} a_i X^i$ with twisted multiplication given by

$$Xa = \sigma(a) X$$

Consider the $R$-quotient module

$$M_d:= R/R(X-d)$$

Note that $D$ is an $R$-module via the action $$Xr= \sigma(r) d, r \in D$$

I'm trying to show that

$$D \cong M_d$$ as $R$-modules (it will then follow that $M_d$ is simple).

I defined the map

$$\psi: R\to D: f \mapsto f(d)$$

and want to apply the isomorphism theorem on this map. But I have trouble showing this map is $R$-linear. I can see it suffices to show that

$$\psi(Xf) = X\psi(f)$$

but when I calculate this with a generic element they are not equal?

Any help will be appreciated!

Best Answer

The issue is that you should not be sending $X^n$ to $d^n$ but rather to $$\sigma^{n-1}(d)\cdots \sigma(d)d.$$

For instance, with your definition $\psi(X^2)$ is sent to $d^2$ but $X\psi(X)$ is sent to $X\cdot d = \sigma(d)d$.

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